Score High On Your Essays: Winning Tips And Tricks

Are you tired of spending countless hours writing essays only to end up with mediocre grades? Do you want to know the secrets to scoring every time? Look no further! In this article, we'll reveal top students' winning tips and tricks to impress their professors and ace their essays with ease. So, buckle up and prepare to elevate your writing game to the next level!

Whether you are a student or a professional, these tips and tricks will help you craft an essay that will impress your professors or clients. From understanding the topic and creating an outline to formatting and editing, we will cover every aspect of paper writing that can help you score high. So, buckle up and get ready to ace your next essay with these winning tips and tricks!

Tip 1. Understand The Question

The first and most crucial step in writing an excellent essay is understanding the question fully. Only jump right into researching and writing if you take the time to read the instructions carefully. Ensure you understand the topic, the purpose of the essay, the required length, and any specific formatting or citation guidelines.

If you're unsure about something, don't hesitate to ask your professor for clarification. Failing to understand the question can result in a poorly structured and irrelevant text, no matter how well-written.


Tip 2: Plan Your Essay

After understanding the essay question, starting the essay planning process is essential. This aids in organizing your ideas and ensuring a coherent essay structure. To begin, outline the main points you intend to make in your essay. Once you have a clear notion of your argument, start noting your thoughts and arranging them logically. This approach will keep you on track while writing and ensure that your essay maintains a seamless flow from one idea to the next.

Here is example of how to plan political science essay:

  • Choose a Topic: Make sure the topic is relevant, interesting, and allows you to present a clear argument.
  • Research: Gather reliable sources like academic articles, reports, and reputable news outlets to understand various viewpoints on the issue.
  • Thesis Statement: Develop a clear thesis statement that outlines your main argument or position.
  • Outline: Create an outline to organize your points and evidence. Break it down into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic and state your thesis.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each should represent a single point supporting your thesis, backed by evidence.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your argument and restate the thesis in light of the evidence presented.
  • Citations: Decide on a citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) and stick to it for citing your sources.
  • Drafting: Write your first draft, following your outline closely.
  • Review and Revise: Go over your essay multiple times to refine your argument, fix grammatical errors, and ensure proper formatting.


Tip 3: Research

Research is a crucial part of essay writing, and it's important to take the time to find reliable sources to support your arguments. To write a well-informed essay, you need to conduct thorough research on the topic. This will help you better understand the subject matter and provide evidence to support your arguments.

Use academic journals, books, and reputable websites to gather information and evidence for your essay. Ensure you take careful notes and keep track of your sources to reference them properly in your essay. Also, make sure you cite your sources correctly to avoid plagiarism.


Tip 4: Write A Strong Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement is an essential component of any successful essay. It provides a clear and concise summary of the main argument or point of view that the writer is putting forth in the essay. A well-crafted thesis statement sets the tone for the entire essay and guides the reader through the writer's thought process.

To write a strong thesis statement, one must first understand the topic and the specific question being asked. The thesis statement should address the question and provide a clear stance. It should be thorough, concise, and assertive. Take the time to craft a solid thesis statement, and you'll be on your way to scoring high on your essay.


Tip 5: Use A Clear And Concise Writing Style

When writing your essay, use a clear and concise writing style. Avoid using complex language or simple reading. Instead, use simple language to convey your ideas. This will make your essay easier to read and understand.

It's also important to be mindful of your tone and style when writing your essays. Whether you're writing a formal academic essay or a more casual personal essay, it's important to use a tone and style appropriate for your audience and purpose. Pay attention to your word choice, sentence structure, and overall writing style to ensure your essay is clear, engaging, and effective.


Tip 6: Write A Clear Introduction

Craft an introduction that is captivating and lays the foundation for the subsequent sections of your essay. Utilize this section to introduce your topic, give context, and offer a sneak peek into your main arguments. A lucid and persuasive introduction will catch your reader's interest and motivate them to continue reading.


Tip 7: Use Evidence To Support Your Arguments

Using evidence is an essential part of essay writing. By using relevant, credible, and well-documented evidence, you can add weight to your arguments and convince the reader of your point of view. This could include statistics, expert quotes, or real-life examples.

Choose the correct type of evidence, explain how it supports your argument, and cite your sources correctly. By doing so, you'll be well on your way to scoring high on your essays. Make sure your evidence is relevant, credible, and well-documented, and use it to make a strong case for your point of view.


Tip 8: Write A Clear Conclusion

Your conclusion should tie everything together and provide a satisfying ending to your essay. Use it to summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and offer final thoughts or insights. A clear and well-written conclusion will leave a lasting impression on your reader and help you score high on your essay.


Tip 9: Cite Your Sources

One crucial aspect of essay writing that should always be considered is citing sources. This not only adds credibility to your arguments but also acknowledges the contributions of the authors you have referenced.

To cite sources effectively, use a recognized citation style, keep track of your sources, incorporate in-text citations, create a reference list, and use reputable sources. Selecting sources such as academic journals, books, and government publications is crucial to ensure reliability.


Tip 10: Proofread And Edit

You must proofread and edit your essay before submission. Grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors can detract from a well-written essay. Thus, a final editing pass is crucial. Additionally, seeking feedback from family and friends can be beneficial. Using resources like Grammarly and Hemmingway can aid in editing and plagiarism detection.



Essay writing can be daunting, but with these winning tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to scoring high every time. So, take the time to understand the question, plan your essay, research your topic, and write a strong introduction. Also, use evidence to support your arguments and write a clear conclusion. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to impress your professors and achieve the grades you deserve. Good luck!