How to Ask Your Professor to Accept a Late Assignment:
A Friendly Email Sample

We've all been there – struggling to meet a deadline and frantically searching for a lifeline. But what happens when life throws a curveball and you can't submit an assignment on time? Don't worry, we've got your back! In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of respectfully asking your professor to accept a late assignment. We even have a friendly email sample ready for you to use as a template. So, take a deep breath and let's tackle this together!

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1. Addressing the Professor

Start your email with a polite and respectful salutation. Address your professor with their proper title, such as "Dear Professor [Last Name]," or "Hello Dr. [Last Name]." This sets a positive tone and demonstrates your professionalism.

2. State the Reason

When explaining why you're requesting an extension, be honest and concise. Clearly state the reason for the delay, whether it's due to illness, personal issues, or unforeseen circumstances. Remember, professors are humans too, and they understand that life happens!

3. Accept Responsibility

Take ownership of your mistake and acknowledge any inconvenience caused by submitting the assignment late. Show that you value your professor's time and recognize the importance of meeting deadlines. Apologize sincerely and offer reassurance that this was an exceptional situation.

4. Highlight Your Efforts

If you've made any efforts to complete the assignment, mention them. Explain the steps you've taken to ensure the quality of your work, despite the delay. This can include additional research, seeking help from classmates or tutors, or spending extra time to improve the assignment.

5. Request an Extension

Now it's time to politely request an extension. Specify the new submission date you're hoping for, keeping in mind a reasonable timeframe that gives you ample time to complete the assignment effectively. Be realistic and considerate of both your professor's schedule and your own ability to complete the task.

6. Offer a Plan

To reassure your professor that you take their class seriously, propose a plan for completing the assignment within the extended deadline. Outline the steps you'll take to ensure timely submission, such as setting interim goals, seeking academic support, or dedicating additional time and effort.

7. Express Gratitude

Conclude your email by expressing your gratitude and appreciation for your professor's understanding and consideration of your request. Thank them for taking the time to review your circumstances and for their willingness to grant an extension. This shows respect and courtesy, leaving a positive impression on your professor.

Friendly Email Sample


Asking for an extension on a late assignment can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right approach and a well-crafted email, you can increase your chances of a positive response from your professor. Remember to be respectful, honest, and concise in your email. Take ownership of your mistake and highlight the efforts you've made to complete the assignment despite the delay. Offer a clear action plan for finishing the work within the extended deadline. Express gratitude for your professor's understanding and consideration.

By following these steps, you demonstrate professionalism, responsibility, and a genuine commitment to delivering quality work.

Good luck with your email, and remember, your professor is there to support your learning journey!